I am Giovanni Acanfora, born in Scafati (SA) on 15/04/1956. I am married and have three beloved daughters. I have been working on drums for many years now. “What are the Bottali '”: They are wooden cylinders rotating around their own axis into which the raw hides are placed. I am a craftsman, I take raw leather, work it up to transform it into leather, giving it the possibility of becoming a bag, a pair of shoes, a jacket, a belt and much more. Raw leather (untreated and considered a waste) becomes leather through a long process. All this for me has never been a real job, but I call it my greatest hobby. In recent years, I have specialized in anti-allergic and eco-sustainable leather suitable for the accessories that can be used in the vast world of Horses and animals in general: saddles, bridles, brow pads, leashes, collars ect. I love to touch raw leather and immediately I can imagine the final effect I will create. I participate in many fairs throughout the year, both in Italy and abroad. I have my stand where I exhibit my anti-allergic Italian vegetable leather and my accessories. I like to talk and compare with other exhibitors, exchange tips and ideas. In 2010 I finally opened my shop in Cortona (Arezzo). It is a small space where I can make my creations known. My shop is called “A Le Mani”. I chose this name because the items I sell are created with HANDS. It is a job where I put my soul and body into it, I believe in what I do and whoever knows me knows it.
